

Language Learning Strategies Used by Good Language Learners in Learning Speaking

Oleh :
Wulan Septikawati - S892202018 - Fak. KIP

A language learning strategy is vital for language learners to increase their awareness of their language learning to improve their achievement through such efforts. Unfortunately, not all students recognize the significance of effective learning strategies in language learning, or how easy it is to select customized strategies for their needs, especially in speaking skills. This case study investigated language learning strategies (LLS) that good language learners (GLL) use in developing speaking skills and how they apply them. The qualitative data would be garnered through triangulation. Triangulation of data source was obtained through various parties. Apart from participants as the main data providers, data was also obtained from teachers, events, and documents. The researcher also used several techniques of data collection such as observations, interviews, questionnaires, and document study. For this reason, four successful learners from a private school were invited for interviews and administered a SILL questionnaire. Observation was also conducted to complement the data.  The contributions of the present study were to provide fresh insight into the use of language learning strategies, especially for speaking skills. Drawing on this, the practical implication of the study was that there was a need for teachers, students, and stakeholders to understand how important it is to include interactive, reflective, and multimodal learning activities in the classroom to promote the use of various language learning strategies, especially in speaking. Practicing naturally and cooperating with others assisted them in creating interactive learning in the classroom, self-correction while speaking, and setting specific language objectives contribute to their reflective learning, while navigating online resources and the use of digital literacies as input for their speaking is part of multimodal learning.