Pengaruh kualitas jasa terhadap kepuasan nasabah
Oleh :
Antyn Dyan Kartika - F1207537 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
This Research based on the existence of phenomenon or symptom of related to consumer satisfaction, influenced by various factor which one of them is service quality. Problem formula to be checked whether by what five variable of dimension of service quality ( tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty) having an effect on to client satisfaction Asuransi Jiwa Bersama ( AJB) Native people 1912 branch of Kentingan Surakarta and most quality where dimension dominant of among fifth the service quality dimension.
This research represent the research of hypothesis examination with the method survey. This research Population goals entire of Asuransi Jiwa Bersama ( AJB) Native people 1912 branch of Kentingan Surakarta. Sampel taken by as much 100 client people. Sampling technique used by the non probability sampling with the method of research of purposive sampling and also hypothesis examination done constructively program the SPSS 11,5 for window.
Pursuant to result analyse, this research conclude 1) That variable of service quality have an effect on to satisfaction of client of Asuransi Jiwa Bersama ( AJB) of Native people 1912 branch of Kentingan Surakarta with the positive valuable satisfaction 2) Most having an effect on variable to satisfaction of client of Asuransi Jiwa Bersama ( AJB) Native people 1912 branch of Kentingan Surakarta that is responsiveness with the value of beta larger ones of among other variable ( 0,513).