

Analisis Program Pendidikan Praktek Kerja Lapangan SMK di Industri terhadap Budaya Kerja SMK Negeri 1 Jenar

Oleh :
Sri Lestari - S162108003 - Fak. KIP

Sri Lestari, 2023. Analysis of the Vocational School Work Practice Education Program in Industry on the Work Culture of SMKN 1 Jenar. Thesis. Consultant: Dr. AG. Tamrin, M.Pd., M.Si. Co-Consultant: Dr. Sukatiman, S.T., M.Si. Vocational Teacher Education Masters Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta


Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency's National Labor Force Survey (Sakarnas) (2019), the Vocational School Workforce seen from the age level of Vocational School graduates aged 18-21 years is 3,425,959 people with the number of workers absorbed being 72.2% and 27. 8% don't work. This fact is a challenge for the world of education and teachers, especially Vocational High School (SMK) education, which prepares specifically so that its graduates can compete in the world of work. This research was conducted with the aim of: 1) Analyzing SMKN 1 Jenar students' understanding of PKL education in industry; 2) Analyzing the impact of PKL education in the industry on the industrial culture of SMKN 1 Jenar students; 3) Analyzing program evaluations and the benefits obtained from PKL education in industry; 4) Analyze the assessment of street vendor education programs in the industry. The focus of the research is analyzing the Field Work Practice Education Program (PKL) for vocational school students by exploring student understanding, impact, evaluation, and learning outcomes. This research uses a combined method, namely qualitative and quantitative methods with a concurrent triangulation design. The data analysis model used in this research is a descriptive analysis of Quantitative Data using the SPSS program. Qualitative data is summarized and described in a structured manner. Followed by quantitative methods, namely interview techniques as triangulation material. The quantitative data analysis process will use quantitative descriptive methods while the qualitative method will use interactive qualitative methods. The research results show that students' understanding of PKL education in industry is good. The positive impact on students' work culture is also visible although there are things that need to be evaluated.


Keywords: Education, Character, Employment Practices, Vocational High School