

Exploring Efl Pre-Service Teachers Experiences in Designing Digital Storytelling Books with Digital Multimodal Composing: A Narrative Inquiry

Oleh :
Ais Navila - S892002001 - Fak. KIP

This study aims to find out: 1) the process of designing digital storytelling books using digital multimodal composing, 2) what difficulties are faced by pre-service teachers when designing digital storytelling books, and 3) what impacts are obtained by pre-service teachers after designing digital storytelling books for future career. The present study adopted narrative inquiry (NI) to elucidate pre-service teachers' experiences designing digital storytelling books with multimodal composing. The primary research data sources were reflective diary, and semi-structured interviews.

Thematic analysis was then used to analyze the gathered data. First, the study revealed that pre-service teachers completed several stages in composing digital storytelling books. 1) the creative domain: a) explaining the aim, b) brainstorming ideas, c) prototyping using storyboards, d) giving peer input, e) considering viewers. 2) the critical domain: a) text, b) color, c) images, and d) video. 3) the technical domain: a) editing, b) recording, and c) producing. Second, this study also faced difficulties while designing digital storytelling books. Six difficulties found in this study are: 1) improving the narrative text, 2) deciding the color, 3) determining learning materials, 4) time-consuming, 5) communication, and 6) needing help to use technology. Third, this study also explored six impacts on pre-service teachers after designing digital storytelling books for their future careers. 1) enhancing technological abilities, 2) producing teaching materials, 3) improving creative thinking, 4) Designing learning media, 5) conducting research, and 6) organizing workshops.

This study implies that pre-service teachers should actively engage in digital storytelling book design training programs to support and enhance their technological knowledge. Pre-service teachers may construct digital books more efficiently by employing the digital multimodal composing framework while creating digital storytelling books.  Further researchers possibly conduct research with the same topic for a more in-depth analysis, especially with the use of the digital multimodal composition for English language acquisition in EFL programs.