
Desain Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Produksi (Studi Kasus pada Bengkel Mesin King’s Baru di Surakarta)

Oleh :
Maria Imaculata Desy Setyawati - F0399047 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis


(Studi Kasus pada Bengkel Mesin King’s Baru di Surakarta)

Maria Imaculata Desy Setyawati


Conseptually, organization system entirely reach its aim through alocation of resources which formed into by the manajerial decicion making process. Information system widely used to support among the kind of manajerial necessity. Accounting Information System (AIS) o n a fine production cycle estremely needed for the enterprise, principally to provide the neccesary information for the management about production and involved cost in a period, in which its could figure out the performance that bump into the decicions which took by the management. This research aimed to identify the weakness of Production Cycle Accounting Information System which currently implemented by the enterprise and to fixing Production Cycle Accounting Information System o n Bengkel King’s Baru further.

In this research, the writer have choosed case study research method. Meanwhile, the data mining method using the direct interview, observation, documentation and library research. The used data resource is primary data, in kinds of; enterprise general information, enterprise organization structure, documents, enterprise notes and enterprise Production Cycle Accounting Information System.

This research resulting the conclusion that Organization Structure is not meet the demand of good task and authority separation; insufficient notes, transactions evidence, and transaction implementation procedure; inacurrate and less-informative financial report information. Further, the current system, yet, couldn’t used to support enterprise activity and enterprise wealthy totally.

This working research suggest some recomendation for Accounting Information System of Production Cycle, includes improvement of the organization structure, financial report designation, form, and the necessity of transactions evidence, and also the Production Cycle Accounting Information System designation which cover the attached organization units, documents and wrapped accounting notes, and procedure network that forming the system.