
Pre-Service Teacher’s Achievement as Part of Wellbeing in Teaching English with Integration of Artificial Intelligence during Teaching Practicum: An Autobiographical Narrative Inquiry

Oleh :
Yumna Rosyidah Almas - K2220082 - Fak. KIP

English pre-service teachers’ achievement of wellbeing is potentially damaged during the teaching practicum program. Advanced technology such as AI may assist in lessening teachers’ workload and promoting wellbeing. Nevertheless, AI integration in the institutional school is not widely accepted. This study proposes to explore the EFL pre-service teacher’s reflection on achievement as part of wellbeing in teaching integrated with AI during teaching practicum. Further findings also reveal the impact the teacher gets when gaining achievement during teaching practicum. The study is conducted using autobiographical narrative inquiry under the qualitative research methodology. I use my own experiences to tell the narrative stories as the primary source of the data. The learning process toward achievement is influenced by the learning mechanism during teaching practicum. Several achievements are found experienced: 1) Achieving personal, academic, and school curriculum goals; 2) Experiencing feelings of happiness, pride, etc toward students’ improvement; 3) Receiving positive and constructive feedback from third parties; 4) Having personal close relationships with students. Furthermore, I believe that despite the acquired theoretical knowledge, teacher roles are more than that, but rather more flexible in delivering what is best for students’ needs. This study implies that school and university institutions should consider teacher wellbeing, especially on the element of achievement, to be integrated into teacher professional development programs.