Devani Terang Tambunan, B0319024, 2024. A Sociolinguistics Analysis of Social
Dialect in British Royal Family Representatives by Victoria Series (2016). Thesis:
English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret.
This research is a study in a language variety in sociolinguistics, namely
social dialect. This research analyzed grammatical aspects with a combination of
theories from several supporting theories in grammatical aspects and factors
influencing the use of social dialect using Holmes (1992) theory used by members
of the British Royal Family through the series. This research method uses
descriptive qualitative research method by using Milles and Huberman method in
data collection technique. The location of this research is a "Victoria Series" which
is a series that tells about the early reign of Queen Victoria. The results of this study
are the use of several grammatical aspects, namely subject - verb agreement,
negative sentences, active and passive sentences, question tag, pronouns, modality,
ellipsis sentences, and phatic expressions. Then, the use of factors influencing
social dialect in the form of social class, education, occupation, sex/gender, age,
and geography. Grammatical aspects and factors influencing the use of social
dialect are analyzed based on the use of vocabulary or word choice in a speech
sentence in the conversation between the characters studied. Based on the research
that has been researched, therefore this research is expected and can be a reference
for future research and researchers.