
Beyond Genetic Boundaries: The Pursuit of Freedom in a Science Fiction Novella 'Elusive Hearts'

Oleh :
Sary Safinatunnaja - B0320054 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This thesis submission comprises a novella and the contextual background of its genesis. Within my novella ‘Elusive Hearts’, I delve into the theme of freedom within a futuristic society where couples are matched genetically rather than by love. Employing a creative methodology rooted in my own experiences and observations, I explore the problem formulation of my thesis to drive the narrative, providing a focal point and direction for the storyline. Throughout the exploration, I delve into the nuanced concept of freedom, emphasizing how societal norms often constrain our perceived liberty. Through the depiction of a fictional character who challenges the genetic pairing convention, I seek to illustrate the intricate nature of freedom. The narrative underscores that true freedom extends beyond mere defiance of rules or social norms; instead, it originates from one's capacity to act and think autonomously, guided by personal rationality regardless of what the majority does.