
Pre-Service Teacher’s Work Engagement Experience during the Teaching Practicum Preparation: an Autobiographical Narrative Inquiry

Oleh :
Devisa - K2220028 - Fak. KIP

Devisa. K2220028. Supervisor: Dr. Nur Arifah Drajati, M. Pd. Pre-Service Teacher’s Work Engagement Experience during the Teaching Practicum Preparation: an Autobiographical Narrative Inquiry. A thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Sebelas Maret, March 2024.

Teaching practicum has been acknowledged as the professional training required for pre-service training before completing a bachelor's degree in education. The pre-service teacher needs to prepare since teaching practicum requires the pre-service teacher to put their knowledge of teaching gained from university coursework in an actual classroom setting. Hence, this study provides new insight into recent research about the pre-service teacher's work engagement experience in preparing teaching practicum programs. Using the theoretical framework of teaching practicum from Wang et al. (2022), engagement of wellbeing theory by Mercer (2020), specifically by work engagement theoretical concept from Schaufeli (2002), the autobiographical narrative inquiry (Barkhuizhen, 2014) was used as the research methodology which focuses on exploring how was the pre-service teacher’s work engagement experience was portrayed during teaching practicum reparation and its impact towards her future career planning as a teacher. The dimensions of work engagement (vigor, dedication, and absorption) were also applied for each stage of the teaching practicum preparation. Therefore, this study used a thematic analysis to analyze the data through diaries and artifacts. The finding showed that a pre-service teacher experiencing work engagement during teaching practicum preparation significantly impacted her teaching practicum performance and determined the researcher’s readiness to become an English teacher. This study implies further research to broaden the exploration of how work engagement is involved in education and teaching practicum programs.