Muhammad Saiful Islam. 2024. ANALYSIS OF TRANSLATION OF METAPHORS IN THE SERIES “THE BOYS” BY AMAZON PRIME VIDEO. Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta.
This research is designed to: (1) categorize types of metaphor found in the series entitled “The Boys” series, (2) identify and analyze the translation techniques used by the translator in rendering metaphor in the series entitled The Boys, and (3) describe the translation quality of metaphor in the series entitled “The Boys” in terms of accuracy and acceptability.
This research is categorized as descriptive qualitative research since the data of the research were analyzed descriptively. The research used two kinds of data: linguistic data and translation data. The linguistic data consisted of metaphors taken from the series, and translation data consisted of the metaphor translation techniques and the metaphor translation quality. Moreover, the source of data consisted of documents and informants. The document of this research was “The Boys” series. Meanwhile, the informants of this research were three raters who validated and assessed the data by identifying the metaphor’s translation techniques and analyzing the translation quality. Moreover, the researcher applied content analysis and Focus Group Discussion in collecting the data.
The result of the research shows that there are four types of metaphor of the total of 87 data, namely Abstract to Concrete and Vice Versa, Animal, Anthropomorphic, and Sinaestetic. This research there are four translation techniques applied by the translator: namely, The Metaphor May Be Kept if the Receptor Language Permits, A Metaphor May Be Translated as A Simile, A Metaphor of the Receptor Language which Has the Same Meaning May Be Substituted, and The Meaning of the Metaphor May Be Translated without Keeping the Metaphorical Imagery. Moreover, the final score of the translation quality is 2.63, which consists of 2.40 in terms of Accuracy and 2.86 in terms of Acceptability. The score shows that the translator had a less accurate but acceptable quality of translation of metaphor to the target language.The study found that translating metaphor found in the series entitled “The Boys” resulting less accurate quality because the employement of translating into non-metaphorical technique. This occurs due to the utilize of techniques used by translators causes the disappearance of metaphorical expressions, and does not deliver equivalent meaning to the target language.