
Proses Kreatif Penciptaan Art Furniture Karya Barata Sena

Oleh :
Salma Yusria Effendi - K3220067 - Fak. KIP

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui penciptaan art furniture karya Barata Sena jika ditinjau menggunakan Teori Fungsi dari Victor Papanek, (2) mengetahui nilai-nilai artistik art furniture karya Barata Sena. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian ini meliputi narasumber (Barata Sena), peristiwa (proses penciptaan art furniture), dan dokumen (artikel mengenai art furniture Barata Sena dan juga foto-foto dari karya art furniture tersebut). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa Barata sena adalah sosok yang kreatif dan proses kreatif yang dilakukan sejalan dengan teori fungsi dari Victor Papanek yakni ide dan konsep dari art furniture meja dengan konsep floating dan bangku selendang terinspirasi dari hal[1]hal yang ada di lingkungan sekitar seniman, kedua karya diproduksi untuk dipasarkan kepada masyarakt kelas menengah ke atas yakni para pengusaha yang memiliki galeri seni, baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri, kedua karya sama-sama mengandung tiga unsur seni rupa yakni warna, ruang, dan tekstur, serta prinsip seni rupa yakni kesatuan, keseimbangan, kesederhanaan, dan center of interest, serta kedua karya sama-sama memiliki makna tersendiri yang sesuai dengan kehidupan manusia.


Salma Yusria Effendi. K3220067. Advisor I: Dr. Slamet Supriyadi, M.Pd. Second advisor: Lili Hartono, M.Sn., M.Hum. THE CREATIVE PROCESS OF CREATING ART FURNITURE BY BARATA SENA. Thesis, Surakarta: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, January 2024.

This research aims to (1) find out the creation of art furniture by Barata Sena when viewed using Victor Papanek's Theory of Function, (2) find out the artistic values of art furniture by Barata Sena. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data sources of this research include sources (Barata Sena), events (the process of creating art furniture), and documents (articles about Barata Sena's art furniture and also photos of the art furniture works). Data collection was conducted using interview, observation, and document analysis techniques. The results of this study explain that Barata Sena is a creative figure and the creative process carried out is in line with Victor Papanek's theory of function, namely the idea and concept of art furniture withthe concept of floating tables and shawl stools inspired by things in the environment around the artist, both works are produced to be marketed to the upper middle class community, namely entrepreneurs who have art galleries, bothat home and abroad, both works contain three elements of fine art namely color, space, and texture, as well as the principles of fine art namely unity, balance, simplicity, and center of interest, and both works have their own meaning that isin accordance with human life.

 Keywords: creative process, art furniture¸ Barata Sena.