
Item Analysis On The English Final Test Of The First Semester Of Grade XII Of Senior High School In The Academic Year Of 2023/2024

Oleh :
Zahra Salsabila - K2219088 - Fak. KIP


The purposes of this research were (1) investigating the difficulty level of the test item, (2) revealing the discriminating power of the test items, (3) revealing the effectiveness of the distractors of each test item, (4) revealing the reliability of each test item. This research use a quantitative descriptive approach. The data analysis technique used the Item and Test Analysis Program (ITEMAN) version 4.5. The population of the research was the third grade students of Senior high school in Boyolali. There were 326 answer sheets in the research overall, and 80 answer sheets were selected as sample. The research results show that (1) the average item is in the satisfactory difficulty level category, namely 66% or 33 of 50 items; (2) there are 60% of items or 30 of 50 items in the good discriminating power category; (3) there are 67% or 134 of 200 distractors in the effective category; (4) This test also has a fairly high reliability value, namely 0.9. This value shows that the test is reliable. From the results above it can be said that the test has met good criteria in terms of reliability, difficulty level, effectiveness of distractors, and discriminating power. Many of the test items met good quality standards. Items that do not meet the test must be eliminated or revised to meet the criteria.