Pengaruh lama fermentasi terhadap karakteristik
Oleh :
Helmi Ajinugroho - H0605052 - Fak. Pertanian
Abstrak :
Wijen memiliki berbagai macam kandungan gizi dan manfaat bagi kesehatan tetapi penelitian tentang wijen masih jarang. Ekstraksi biji wijen menghasilkan minyak wijen dan produk samping berupa bungkil wijen.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi suhu proses produksi bungkil wijen 40oC, 45oC dan 50oC dan lama fermentasi 36, 48 dan 60 jam terhadap karakteristik “cabuk”.
Kadar air “cabuk” jauh lebih tinggi dibanding dengan bungkil wijen; yaitu ”cabuk” 45,5–50,8% dan bungkil 6,9–8,8%. Nilai pH bungkil wijen berkisar antara 5-6,5 sedangkan ”cabuk” antara 6-7.
Variasi perlakuan memberikan hasil tidak beda nyata terhadap kadar asam lemak ”cabuk”; palmitat 6-9,5%; stearat 4-6,5%; oleat 36-38%; linoleat 47-51,5%; dan linolenat 0,5-2%. Pada “cabuk” hasil proses 45oC dan lama fermentasi 60 jam masing-masing adalah 35,5% dan 47,4%. Kandungan asam lemak bebas ”cabuk” lebih rendah dibanding bungkil wijen dan berkisar antara 0,5-2%. Aktivitas antioksidan (DPPH) “cabuk” lebih tinggi daripada bungkil wijen.
Uji organoleptik menunjukkan bahwa secara umum warna, flavor,tekstur dan keseluruhan “cabuk” disukai oleh panelis. Sampel dengan variasi suhu produksi bungkil wijen 45oC, lama fermentasi 36 jam dan 60 jam memiliki kesukaan keseluruhan yang cenderung tinggi tetapi tidak berbeda nyata dengan sampel lainnya.
Sesame has assorted of nutritions and benefit for health but the research about sesame still seldom. Extraction of sesame seeds produced sesame oil and sesame cakes as by product.
This research was objective to study the effect of variation of sesame cake production process temperature that were 40oC, 45oC and 50oC and time fermentation of 36, 48 and 60 hours on the characteristics of " cabuk".
The moisture content of " cabuk" was much higher compared to that of sesame cake; that was 45,5-50,8% and 6,9-8,8%, respectively. pH of sesame cake was 5-6,5 while “cabuk” was 6-7.
The variation treatment didn’t give significant effect on the fatty acid of “cabuk”; palmitic 6-9,5%; stearic 4-6,5%; oleic 36-38%; linoleic 47-51,5%; and linolenic 0,5-2%. In "cabuk" produced by process of 45oC and 60 hours fermentation cantained oleic and linoleic acid 35,5% and 47,4, respectively. Free fatty acid of ”cabuk” lower than sesame cake and was 0,5-2%. Antioxydant activity (DPPH) of "cabuk" was higher than the sesame cake.
Organoleptic test indicate that in general the colour, flavor, texture and overall of “cabuk lovely by panelist. Sampel with variation of sesame cake production process temperature 45oC, 36 and 48 hours fermentation had tended to high of overall prefer but didn’t give significant effect with the others sample.