Peran bidan koordinator dalam melaksanaan penyeliaan fasilitatif terhadap kinerja bidan desa di puskesmas jogorogo kabupaten ngawi
Oleh :
Siti MursilahS 540908117 - S54090811 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
Abstrak :
Peran Bidan Koordinator Dalam Melaksanakan Penyeliaan Fasilitatif Terhadap Kinerja Bidan Desa Di Puskesmas Jogorogo Kabupaten Ngawi. Tesis. Program Studi Kedokteran Keluarga Pascasarjana, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk Mendiskripsikan 1) peran Bidan Koordinator dalam melaksanakan penyeliaan fasilitatif terhadap kinerja Bidan Desa Macanan Kecamatan Jogorogo Kabupaten Ngawi, 2) motivasi kerja yang dimiliki oleh Bidan Desa Macanan Kecamatan Jogorogo Kabupaten Ngawi,3) kinerja Bidan Desa Macanan Kecamatan Jogorogo Kabupaten Ngawi.
Bentuk penelitian studi kasus kualitatif diskriptif. Strategi penelitian terpancang tunggal. Lokasi penelitian di Pondok Bersalin Desa Macanan Kecamatan Jogorogo Kabupaten Ngawi Jawa Timur. Waktu penelitian bulan Agustus 2009 s/d Februari 2010. Sumber data meliputi 1)informan terdiri dari Kepala Puskesmas, Bidan Desa dan Bidan Koordinator, 2)tempat dan peristiwa di Pondok Bersalin Desa Macanan Kecamatan Jogorogo Kabupaten Ngawi, 3)dokumentasi. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara mendalam, Observasi dan dokumen. Teknik cuplikan purposiv sampling. Uji kesahihan data meliputi trianggulasi data , trianggulasi metodologis dan perpanjangan pengamatan. Teknik analisa data menggunakan analisa model interaktif yaitu reduksi data, sajian data, dan verifikasi.
Hasil penelitian1) peran bidan koordinator dalam melaksanakan penyeliaan fasilitatif adalah sebagai: a)inovator b)supervisor, c)motivator, d)fasilitator e)mediator. 2)Motivasi kerja Bidan Desa meningkat setelah dilakukan penyeliaan fasilitatif karena merasa mendapat bimbingan dari Bidan Koordinator dan dukungan dari Kepala Puskesmas, terbukti Bidan Desa sanggup memenuhi item yang belum terpenuhi sesuai dengan kemampuannya. Dokumentasi hasil pelayanan yang masih kurang standar, setelah diberi bimbingan oleh Bidan Koordinator, Bidan Desa bersedia memenuhi sesuai dengan ketentuan dari pemerintah. 3)Kinerja Bidan Desa setelah diberikan penyeliaan fasiltatif meningkat, karena masalah-masalah bisa ditangani oleh tim. Pengadaan sarana pencegahan infeksi yang bertanggung jawab Bidan Desa, pengadaan obat-obatan dan sarana yang bertanggung jawab Kepala Puskesmas, perluasan ruangan dan alat kesehatan yang perlu dana mahal yang bertanggung jawab Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja Bidan Desa perlu sarana dan dukungan dari pimpinan. Tingkat kepatuhan Asuhan Persalinan Normal Pondok Bersalin Desa Macanan 81,33%. Tingkat kepatuhan pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Pondok Bersalin Desa Macanan 59% .
The Role of Midwife Coordinator in carrying out Facilitative Selection towards Village Midwife Performance in Jogorogo Public Health Center, Ngawi Regent.Thesis.Study Program of Family Doctor, Postgraduate work, Sebelas Maret University of Surakarata.
The aim of this research is to describe: 1). The role of the Midwife Coordinator in supervising Fasilitative Selection towards Village Midwife Macanan Performanche in Jogorogo District Ngawi Regent, 2). Motivation owned by Village Midwife Macanan in Jogorogo Ngawi Regent, 3). The Performanche of Village Midwife Macanan in Jogorogo District Ngawi Regent.
The form of this research is Descriptive Qualitative Case Study. The Strategi of this research is Single Rooted.The Location of the research is in Jogorogo Public Heath Center, Ngawi Regent, East Java. The time of this research is Agust 2009 to February 2010.The Sourche of the Data are: 1). Informen,they are the chairman of the Public Health Center,the Village Midwives,and The midwives Coordinator, 2). Place and Event is in Village Chilbirth Huts in the area of Jogorogo District,Ngawi Regent, 3). Documentation.The Data Collecting Techniques are Deep Interview, Observation and some Documents. The sampling Technique is Purposive Sampling. The Validity Test includes Data Triangulation, Methodology Triangulation and Prolonging Observation.The Data Analytical Technique uses Interactive Model Analysis, they are Data Reduction, Data Presentation and Verification.
The Result of the research are: 1). The Role of Midwife Coordinator in carrying out Facilitative Selection is as: a). Inovator, b). Supervisor, c). Motivator, d). Facilitator, e). Mediator. 2). The Village Midwife Motivation increases after being carried facilitative selection out, because they realized for getting guidance from the Midwife Coordinator and supports from the leader of the Public Health Center Leader,it’s proved that the Village Midwife are able to fulfill the unsufficient items based on their abilities. The lack of the service results documentation after given some guidance by the Midwife Coordinator will be fulfilled in accordance with the government regulation, 3). The Midwife performance increases because allproblems are able to be handled by team. The Village Midwife are responsible to establish infective preventation tool the Public Health Center leader is responsible to eastablish medicines and facilities, and meanwhile the Regent Health Departement is responsible in broadening rooms and to buy the expensive health devices. Increasing midwives performance needs some fulfilling facilities and supports from the leader. The Nursing Obedience from the Normally Childbirth is Macanan81,33%. Mother and children Health Service Macanan 59% .