

Perbandingan Keefektifan Anestesi Lokal Lidokain dan Akupresur terhadap Derajat Ansietas dan Nyeri pada Tindakan Trans Thoracic Needle Aspiration (TTNA)

Oleh :
Iyan Ari Prabowo - S601908003 - Fak. Kedokteran

Iyan Ari Prabowo, 2023, Thesis. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Lidocaine Local Anesthesia and Acupressure on the Degree of Anxiety and Pain in Trans Thoracic Needle Aspiration (TTNA). Supervisor I: Prof. Yusup Subagio Sutanto, dr., Sp.P, FISR, FAPSR.; Supervisor II: Debree Septiawan, dr, Sp.KJ. Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Recidency Program, Medical Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta


Comparison of the Effectiveness of Lidocaine Local Anesthesia and Acupressure on the Degree of Anxiety and Pain in Trans Thoracic Needle Aspiration (TTNA)

Iyan Ari Prabowo, Yusup Subagio Sutanto, Debree Septiawan

Departemen Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran Respirasi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta/RSUD dr. Moewardi Surakarta

Background: Trans thoracic needle aspiration TTNA is performed for the diagnosis of lung cancer, pleural lesions, mediastinal tumors and extra-thoracic lesions. The use of the acupressure method as an anti-pain has not been carried out in TTNA because in the TTNA procedure the pain felt occurs for a short time. The aim of this thesis is to discuss the role of acupressure as a safe and effective approach in treating complaints of pain and anxiety caused by TTNA procedures.

Method: Clinical trial with a quasi-experimental, pretest and post-test design on lung tumor patients who will undergo TTNA, who are in stable condition and are being treated at RSUD Dr. Moewardi Suakarta in August 2023 until the number of subjects is met. Measurement of the degree of anxiety using the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale questionnaire and the degree of pain using the Visual Analogue Scale questionnaire were carried out before and after the TTNA procedure by administering 2% lidocaine local anesthesia in the control group and 2% lidocaine local anesthesia and acupressure in the treatment group.

Results: The study involved twenty people in the control group and twenty people in the treatment group. The results of the difference test between the pre-test and post-test HARS scores of the control and treatment groups obtained statistically significant results of p<0>

Conclusion: Local anesthesia 2% lidocaine and acupressure are more effective than 2% lidocaine in reducing the degree of anxiety and pain in patients undergoing TTNA procedures.

Keyword : Pain, anxiety, lidocaine, acupressure, TTNA