Guided Imagery Effect on Pain, Dyspnea, and Cough in Patients Planned for Bronchoscopy
Diana Purnamasari, Yusup Subagio Sutanto, Debree Septiawan, Jatu Aphridasari, A. Farih Raharjo, Abdul Karim N
Departement of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University Surakarta/Dr. Moewardi General Hospital Surakarta
Background: Bronchoscopy may cause discomfort in patients, such sore throat, cough, nasal pain, dysphagia, and dyspnea. Analgesic and sedative are commonly used prior to bronchoscopy, but they often result in respiratory distress and cardiovascular instability. Guided imagery, an integrated imaginative relaxation technique is a non pharmacological pain management method that may help to reduce the discomfort of bronchoscopy. This study assessed the effect of guided imagery on pain, dyspnea, and cough in patients who were planned for bronchoscopy.
Methods: A randomized controlled trial study was conducted in patients visiting Dr Moewardi hospital for bronchoscopy from January to March 2024. These patients were randomly assigned into intervention (guided imagery) and control groups. The data were statistically analysed with SPSS version 21 for Windows and rhe significance was set at p<0>
Results: Thirty six patients were included in the study. There were significant differences between control and guided imagery groups in pain VAS (2.56±1.58 vs 0.33±0.89), cough VAS (3.00±1.46 vs 0.33±0.49) and dyspnea BORG scale (3.07±1.70 vs 0.22±0.43) with p values of 0.000 after the intervention. In addition, subjects in guided imagery group had significantly lower pain, cough, and BORG scores after the intervention as compared to baseline (P values = 0.005, 0.000, 0.003, respectively).
Conclusion: Guided Imagery significantly reduces pain, cough, and dyspnea in patients undergoing bronchoscopy. It can be considered as adjunct to premedication for bronchoscopy.