
The Continuum of Foreignization and Domestication of Culinary Terms in The Subtitle of Australia Masterchef Twelfth Season Episodes 1-3

Oleh :
Iriananda Jete Miranda - B0317051 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

ABSTRACT Iriananda Jete Miranda. B0317051. 2023. THE CONTINUUM OF FOREIGNIZATION AND DOMESTICATION OF CULINARY TERMS IN THE SUBTITLE OF AUSTRALIA MASTERCHEF TWELFTH SEASON EPISODES 1-3. Undergraduate Thesis. English Depratment. Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. Suprevisor: Dr. Dyah, S.S., M.Hum This research aims to describe the types of the culinary terms, to identify the translation strategy used by the translators in regards to translating the culinary terms either the translators used more foreignizing strategy or domesticating strategy, and to evaluate the translation quality in terms of accuracy, acceptability and readability. This is a descriptive qualitative research. The sources of data in this research are documents and informants. The researcher uses purposive sampling technique to collect the data. The documents are the culinary terms in the form of words and phrases and their Indonesian translation. Meanwhile,the informants are raters that validate the data and assess the translation quality in terms of accuracy, acceptability and readability. The data are obtained through content analysis,questionnaires and focus group discussion(FGD). This study reveals three findings. In culinary terms there are 14 categories. They are accompaniment, baked goods, careers, dairy, equipment, fat and oil, fish, flavoring, fruit, grain product, liquid, meat, technique, vegetable. Among them the dominant category is flavoring and the lowest category is grain. In terms of translation strategies, there are four foreignizing translation strategies: preservation, addition, naturalization, literal translation and mixed strategies of foreignizing translation strategies such as preservation-naturalization, for domesticating translation strategies, there are six strategies: cultural equivalent, globalization, translation by more specific word, equivalent, modulation, variant borrowing and mixed strategies of domesticating tstrategies such as equivalent-globalization. Moreover, there is one more classification used by the translator that is a mixed strategy between foreignizing and domesticating strategies such as equivalent-preservation and equivalent-naturalization. The finding showed that the number of domesticating strategies is higher than the foreignizing strategies. 62 out of 144 culinary terms are foreignized, 76 out of 144 culinary terms are domesticated and 6 out of 144 culinary terms are mixed strategies of foreignizing and domesticating strategies. It showed that the translation of culinary terms in Australia MasterChef Twelfth Season Episodes 1-3 are mostly domesticated. It is maybe because the translators want to translate the terms into something that already sounds familiar to the viewers in order to make them easily catch the meaning of the term. In translation quality, the average score of accuracy, is 2,87 it means the translation is high accurate. The accurate translation are mostly used preservation and equivalent because by using these strategy the term is well transferred since it is translated with its equivalent word and some terms are preserved in TL. The average score of acceptability is 2,46, the average score of readability is 2,43. It means the translation are low acceptability and low readable. Preservation is the strategy that affect the most to the low acceptable and readable since the preserved term mostly stranger to the viewers. The overall translation quality score is 2,66 out of 3 so it means the translation has a good quality.