This research aimed to identify the types and functions of swear words found in the TV Series “The Society” season 1 episodes 1-3, to analyse the translation techniques used by the translator on translating swear words, to reveal the kind of shifting in the swear words translation, and to find out the impact of the translation techniques in terms of acceptability and accuracy.
The data of this research were analysed using the descriptive qualitative method so that the results are presented in the form of words. The data source of this research consisted of both documents and informants. The document is in the form of dialogues written in the subtitle of the TV series and the informants involved three raters who validated and assessed the data. The source of data determined using the purposive sampling technique and the research data determined using total sampling technique. To collect the data, this research applied content analysis and Focus Group Discussion (FGD).
The result shows there are 133 of swear words data in total. It classified into eight types which consisted of sexual references (78), scatological and disgusting objects (38), profanity or blasphemy (8), animal names (4), psychological-physical-social-deviations (2), ethnic-racial-gender-slurs (1), substandard vulgar terns (1), and offensive slang (1). Along with five functions of swearing: expletive (59), habitual (51), abusive (21), and humoristic (2). There are five translation techniques: deletion (50), established equivalent (50), amplification (29), reduction (3), and discursive creation (1). It also revealed eight kinds of shifting and divided again into translation shift and type shift. The accuracy levels of translation quality are accurate translation (53), less accurate translation (29), and inaccurate translation (51). In terms of acceptability, there are acceptable translation (83) and unacceptable translation (50). Amplification led to less accurate translation due to the general paraphrased words lacking equivalence with swear words. Deletion led to inaccurate and unacceptable translation due to the swear words removal resulted in losing expression. The overall average translation quality score is 2.13 which indicates medium quality.