

Oleh :
Naila Hidayati - K2220058 - Fak. KIP

This study aims (1) to find out the elements of cultural practices in the English textbook and (2) to find out the source of cultural practices's elements presented in the English textbook. This research is descriptive qualitative research with content analysis using Moran's cultural practice theory as an instrument. The data sources used in this study were collected from an English textbook entitled "English Work in Progress" for first grade in Senior High School. The data analysis technique used document analysis to develop codes and themes to reflect the research results. Furthermore, the percentage and frequency of the elements of cultural practices were calculated and tabulated. The results of this study are as follows. First, the findings of cultural practices show an imbalance in the representation of cultural content, with scenarios and operations being more prominent than acts and lives. The dominance of scenarios and operations indicates a focus on narrative and structural aspects in English language learning, which emphasizes understanding language use in context and story construction rather than concrete actions or daily life experiences. Secondly, the findings of cultural sources in English textbooks are distributed in a balanced proportion. This shows a commitment to providing balanced insights between source, target, international, and culture-free cultures. This study can provide insight into the selection of textbooks for English teachers and can be used as a consideration for future researchers who are interested in the same topic.