
The Implementation of E-school Platform in Blended English Learning at Indonesian Senior High School

Oleh :
Fathia Sukma Azarin - K2218034 - Fak. KIP

Fathia Sukma Azarin. K2218034. Supervisors: Drs. Muh. Asrori, M.Pd and Dewi Sri Wahyuni S.Pd., M.Pd.THE IMPLEMENTATION OF E-SCHOOL PLATFORM AT INDONESIAN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. Thesis. Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Sebelas Maret, May 2024. 

The objectives of the research are: (1) to describe the implementation of E-school platform by the teacher when teaching English subjects in a blended learning context and (2) to describe the difficulties experienced by the teacher in implementing E-school platform when teaching English subjects in a blended learning context. This is qualitative research with a descriptive research design. The informant of this research was an English teacher, an IT teacher as the website developer, and six students in tenth grade of senior high school. Data collection was conducted by interviews, class observation, and documentation. Then, the analysis of data was done by applying interactive model data by Miles, Hubberman, and Saldana (2014). 

The result showed that (1) the implementation of E-school platform in blended English learning by the teacher for tenth-grade students of Senior High School had been useful in enhancing reading and writing skills through three stages in the teaching procedure namely before face-to-face meetings, during face-to-face meeting, and after face-to-face meeting with descriptive text and digital announcement text as learning material which assisted with PowerPoint presentation, Youtube video, and English textbook for tenth grade as teaching media, then applying formative assessment such assignment and daily performance recorded on the platform feature. (2) The difficulties experienced by the teacher in implementing E-school platform when teaching English subjects in a blended learning context were a lack of knowledge in using online learning platforms and the unavailability of tools for supporting online learning. The researcher suggested that the English teachers of Senior High School must implement comprehensive training programs to utilize the E-school platform for language learning more effectively to improve the students’ English skills and knowledge. 

Keywords: blended learning, E-school platform, technology, senior high school