
Understanding the Speaking Anxiety of Online Oral Presentation : A Study of EFL Undergraduate Students’ Aspects and Coping Mechanisms

Oleh :
Auliya Salsabilla Yasmin - K2219015 - Fak. KIP

The objectives of the study are : (1) to examine the aspects leading to students' speaking anxiety of online oral presentations and (2) to find out the ways students deal with their anxiety of an online presentation. This study employed qualitative case study research which provides a deep and complete description of this phenomenon. The researcher had three voluntary participants in this study who were all undergraduate students of English Education Study Program that have enrolled in public speaking class and have delivered several online oral presentations. The data in this study were collected through interviews and document analysis. Researcher analyzed the data through data collection, data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. This study revealed that there are two main aspects underlying students’ anxiety when delivering online oral presentations namely linguistic aspects including a lack of vocabulary, a lack of grammar, and poor pronunciation. The non-linguistic aspects include a lack of preparation, a shy feeling, and environmental distractions. Those aspects hinder the students from explaining more details about a topic that is being delivered. Another finding is there are three coping mechanisms that students used to reduce the speaking anxiety when they delivered the online oral presentations. Being well-prepared for the materials, devices, and surrounding location is the most used way by the students to reduce their anxiety. Having relaxation before the presentation begins also works to bring down their anxious feeling when facing online oral presentations. Students also repeat practicing their presentation before the real online presentation begins. When students practice a lot of the materials, they will not confused about the organization of the presentation and they will also have a good time management. This study highlights the importance of understanding the emergence to know what are the fundamental aspects that make the students feel anxious when carrying out online oral presentations. This study also emphasizes the understanding of online learning environment that raises speaking anxiety in students when presenting online presentations especially those as a form of evaluation. This study suggests that students will be more aware of their speaking anxiety situation during online presentations. The lecturer will help the students by providing a presentation simulation, giving feedback and positive affirmation so the students will be more relax before conducting an online presentation. For future researchers, investigating the aspects and strategies from the lecturer’s point of view will be a great study to conduct.