

Oleh :
Annaba Yahya Ramadhani - V4321009 - Sekolah Vokasi


Annaba Yahya Ramadhani. V4321009. ASUHAN KEBIDANAN BERKELANJUTAN PADA NY. R UMUR 25 TAHUN DI PUSKESMAS GAMBIRSARI SURAKARTA. Program Studi Diploma III Kebidanan, Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta 2024.

Ruang Lingkup: Asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan dari masa kehamilan, bersalin, nifas, bayi baru lahir, dan keluarga berencana sesuai standar asuhan kebidanan. Pelaksanaan: Asuhan kehamilan sesuai standar 10T, memberikan informasi terkait edema ektremitas bawah, janin belum masuk panggul. Asuhan persalinan secara Sectio Caesarea atas indikasi miopia tinggi. Asuhan nifas mendapatkan vitamin A dan tidak mendapatkan tablet tambah darah. Asuhan bayi baru lahir inisiasi menyusu dini 2-5 menit. Asuhan KB memberikan konseling dan pemilihan kontrasepsi. Evaluasi: Asuhan kehamilan normal dan klien memahami informasi yang diberikan, asuhan persalinan Sectio Caesarea (SC), asuhan nifas vitamin A diberikan hari ke-22, asuhan bayi baru lahir inisiasi menyusu dini dilakukan sesaat, asuhan keluarga berencana suntik 3 bulan sesuai pilihannya. Kesimpulan dan Saran: Asuhan kebidanan sesuai dengan kewenangan dan dapat mengatasi masalah. Melalui asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan diharapkan institusi dapat saling berkoordinasi terhadap pemantauan klien agar pemberian vitamin A dapat disegerakan dan tablet tambah darah terpenuhi. Diharapkan instalasi kesehatan menfasilitasi pelaksanaan inisiasi menyusu dini jika kondisi ibu dan bayi baik.


Kata Kunci: Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan, Puskesmas Gambirsari, Ibu


Annaba Yahya Ramadhani. V4321009. CONTINUITY OF CARE ON MRS. R AGED 25 YEARS OLD AT COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER OF GAMBIRSARI SURAKARTA. Associate’s Degree Program in Midwifery, Vocational School of Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2024.

Scope: The continuity of care (CoC) was extended to Mrs. R from pregnancy, delivery, post-parturition, and neonate to family planning program as an effort to ensure the welfare of the mother and her infant and detect complications early in accordance with the prevailing midwifery care standards. Implementation: The antenatal care was extended to Mrs. R in accordance with thev 10 T standard. She was laso provided with information about lower extremity edema, fetus that had not entered the pelvic area. The delivery was done with C-section due to high myopia indication. In the post-partum care, the mother was given Vitamin A but not blood supplement tablets. In the neonatal care, early breastfeeding initiation was performed 2-3 minutes after the infant was born. The mother was given counseling on contraceptive selection. Evaluation: The antental care went on normally, and the client understood the information extended. The delivery was done with C-section. Vitamin A was given to the client on Day 22 during the post-partum care. The early breastfeeding initiation was done immediately. The mother chose a three-monthly injection contraceptive. Conclusion and Recommendation: The CoC was extended to Mrs. R. And her infant comprehensively in accordance with the prevailing midwifery care standards and could deal with the disorders. Through the CoC, health instituions are able to coordinate the monitoring clients so that the administration of Vitamin A and  blood supplement tablets can be done promptly and meet the requirements. Besides, they are also expected to accomodate the implementation of early breastfeeding initiation when the conditions of mothers and theirv infants are good.


Keywords: Continuity of care, Community Health Center of Gambirsari, mother, infant