
Sistem Informasi Pelaporan Kejadian di Lingkungan UNS

Oleh :
Irvan Alfian Adi Nugroho - V3421054 - Sekolah Vokasi

IRVAN ALFIAN ADI NUGROHO, 2024, INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR REPORTING EVENTS IN THE UNS ENVIRONMENT, FRONTEND SECTION, Diploma III Informatics Engineering Study Program, Sebelas Maret University Vocational School, Surakarta.

Sebelas Maret University is a PTN-BH located in Solo City, Central Java. Every year UNS inaugurates more than 10,000- new students. In 2023, UNS accepted 10,291 new students consisting of 2,165 diploma program students and 8,126 undergraduate program students. This number is not much different from 2022, where there were 10,409 new students. With the high student population at UNS, it is accompanied by various problems, such as lost goods, theft, disorderly parking, damage to facilities and infrastructure, and criminal acts such as sexual harassment. Data from solopos.com recorded 22 cases of lost items at UNS, involving mobile phones, laptops, and motorbikes. Students who were victims of theft felt restless and worried that similar incidents would recur.The process of developing an incident reporting information system at UNS is website-based and uses Agile Scrum software development, which is a very relevant approach in software development projects. The Agile Scrum development method is currently more widely used than extreme programming and Kanban methodologies. Apart from that, this method also emphasizes flexibility, transparency and collaboration in developing software that meets the needs of an event reporting information system that is responsive and adaptive to change.

The process of developing an Incident Reporting Information System at UNS is website-based and uses the Vue JS framework development. The Vue JS framework has many advantages, namely an easy learning curve, versatility and flexibility, and performance optimization.Keywords: Information systems, reporting, events, notifications, website.

The results of this study are a website-based information system for reporting incidents in the frontend UNS environment that uses the Vue JS framework and can also send notifications via telegram. This application was tested online through respondents with the gform platform, it was found that the level of satisfaction with the application had reached an average of 97.64%, more than 90%, so this application was running smoothly and properly.