
Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan Pada Ny. D Umur 26 Tahun Di Puskesmas Gajahan Surakarta

Oleh :
Tasqia Gusti Cahyani - V4321066 - Sekolah Vokasi

Ruang Lingkup : Asuhan kebidanan terintegrasi dimulai dari hamil, bersalin, nifas, bayi baru lahir hingga keluarga berencana dalam upaya menjamin kesejahteraan ibu dan bayi serta deteksi dini komplikasi.

Pelaksanaan : Asuhan kehamilan pada Ny. D dilakukan sesuai standar 10T dan dilakukan 2 kali kunjungan. Persalinan Ny. D dilakukan secara Sectio Caesarea (SC) atas indikasi fetal distress. Asuhan nifas dilakukan secara 4 kali kunjungan dan tidak ada tanda bahaya nifas yang terjadi. Asuhan bayi baru lahir dilakukan 3 kali berlangsung normal dan menjadi patologis yaitu ikterus pada bayi usia 4 hari diberikan light terapy 3x24 jam. Asuhan KB dengan memberikan konseling mengenai jenis alat kontrasepsi.

Evaluasi : Asuhan kehamilan sesuia standar 10T berhasil namun ditemukannya indikasi lilitan pada pemeriksaan terakhir, asuhan persalinan secara operasi Sectio Caesarea (SC) dengan indikasi fetal distress, IMD hanya dilakukan selama 30 menit sehingga ditemukan kesenjangan, asuhan nifas tersampaikan dengan maksimal, asuhan BBL dengan riwayat ikterus teratasi, serta ibu memilih menggunakan KB Non hormonal yaitu MAL.

Simpulan dan Saran :  Asuhan kebidanan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan kewenangan bidan. Terdapat kesenjangan antara teori dan asuhan yang diberikan yaitu dilakukan Inisiasi Menyusui Dini (IMD) hanya 30 menit setelah persalinan. Diharapkan tenaga kesehatan mampu memberikan asuhan kebidanan dengan perkembangan ilmu yang sesuai dengan standar.

Scope: The continuity of care (CoC) was extended to Mrs. D from pregnancy, delivery, post-parturition, and neonate to family planning program as an effort to ensure the welfare of the mother and her infant and detect complications early.
Implementation: The antenatal care was extended to Mrs. D in accordance with the 10T standard and was done twice. The delivery was done with C-section due to fetal distress indication. The post-partum care was done four times of visit, and no post-partum danger was observed. The neonatal care was done three times and went on normally. Pathological icterus was found on Day 4 and then was exposed to therapy of 3 times in 24 hours. In the family planning program care, the mother was given counseling on types of contraceptives.
Evaluation: The antenatal care was successfully done in accordance with the 10T standard,but umbilical cord entanglement was observed in the last examination. The delivery was done with C-section due to fetal distress indication. A gap was found in early breastfeeding initiation. The post-partum care went on normally and maximally. The icterus was solved during the neonatal care. The mother chose a non-hormonal contraceptive, lactational amenorrhea method.

Conclusion and Recommendation:  The CoC was done in accordance with the prevailing midwifery care standards. There was a gap between the theory and the practice in which the early breastfeeding initiation was performed only for 30 minutes.  Health workers are expected are able to provide the midwifery care in accordance with existing midwifery standards along with the advancement of the related sciences.

Keywords: Continuity of care, fetal distress, umbilical cord entanglement, neonatal icterus