Rahmita Kamila Musfariana. K4320067. Adviser I: Dr. Bowo Sugiharto, S.Pd., M.Pd. Adviser II: Nurmiyati, S.Pd., M.Si. THE INFLUENCE OF PROJECT BASED BLENDED LEARNING (PjB2L) FOR SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS AND PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITIES ON ECOSYSTEM COMPONENTS MATERIAL AND THEIR INTERACTION. Thesis , Surakarta: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. July 2024
The research aims to (1) examine the effect of the Project Based Blended Learning (PjB2L) model with bioenial on students’ science process skills on ecosystem components material and their interaction, (2) determine of the Project Based Blended Learning (PjB2L) model with bioenial on stundents’ problem solving abilities on ecosystem components material and their interaction, (3) examine the relationship between science process skills and problem solving abilities through the Project Based Blended Learning (PjB2L) model with bioenial. The research method used is quantitative research. The research design used was quasi experimental posttest only control group design for science process skills and pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design for problem solving abilities. The population in this study was all phase E students in senior high school. The sampling technique was the cluster random sampling technique. The research sample consisted of class X-E5, X-E6, and X-E9. The data collection technique was carried out using observation technique for science process skills dan pretest-posttest for problem solving abilities. Data analysis was carried out using the ANOVA test, ANCOVA test, LSD advanced test, and regression correlation test. The results of research using ANOVA show that there is an influence of the Project Based Blended Learning (PjB2L) agains science process skills. ANCOVA test results show that there is an influence Project Based Blended Learning (PjB2L) on problem solving abilitiws. Then a futher LSD test was carried out which showed that the best treatment was found in the Project Based Blended Learning (PjB2L) model with Bioenial website. The result of correlation and regression tests show that science process skills and problem solving abilities have a significant relationship.