
Translating an Academic Article Konsepsi Ekologi sebagai Subjek Hukum Progresif dan Perwujudan Keadilan Antar-generasi at Jogja Translator

Oleh :
Diandra Rahma Safira - V0121020 - Sekolah Vokasi

This internship report was written based on the internship program at Jogja Translator, which is located at Prawirotaman 2 Street, No. 829, Brontokusuman, Mergangasan Subdistrict, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta, from January 29th to March 29th, 2024. The goals of this internship program are: 1) to apply and strengthen the knowledge and competency of translation that I have learned in the English Diploma Program, 2) to contribute to meeting the daily work target and help with a translation project for Jogja Translator, 3) to obtain direct work experience in the industry, 4) to improve my hard and soft skills, especially in relation to my graduate competency in English Diploma Program, Vocational School, Universitas Sebelas Maret. The objective of the internship report is to explain the process of translating an academic article about law from Bahasa Indonesia into English. The process that I did to translate the text was analyzing the source text to identify the intended meaning by the author, transferring the core message which has been analyzed into the target language, and restructuring the transferred message to ensure accuracy, readability, and acceptability. Furthermore, this report also presents an analysis of the problems and describes the solutions. There are two problems that I mainly faced during this internship program: 1) linguistic problems, such as difficult terms, metaphors, and idioms that are unfamiliar, and 2) non-linguistic problems, such as adaptation and team coordination in the new work environment. To resolve the linguistic problem, I applied some translation techniques proposed by Molina and Albir (2002). Furthermore, I also used online dictionaries such as KBBI Online and Oxford Online Dictionary, as well as other sources, to find the definitions of some difficult terms, metaphors, and idioms. Meanwhile, for the non-linguistic problems, I resolve it by streamlining the coordination between interns. In this report, I recommend a feedback session for Jogja Translators and a streamlined timeline between KMI and KMM for the English Diploma Program. Additionally, familiarization with standard CAT tools and fostering teamwork are crucial for future interns' success.