
Translating Marketing and IT Texts at PT STAR Software Indonesia

Oleh :
Fatharany Rahma Hariningtyas - V0121024 - Sekolah Vokasi

Hariningtyas, Fatharany Rahma. 2024. Translating Marketing and IT Texts at PT 

STAR Software Indonesia. English Diploma Program, Vocational School, Universitas 

Sebelas Maret.

This Students’ Internship Activity aimed to grant students a great opportunity to become 

acquainted with the translation field industry. The students were afforded the opportunity 

to gain such valuable experience in working on the translation ongoing projects by 

implementing their skills and knowledge they acquired during their three years of study. 

The internship activity at PT STAR Software Indonesia had been conducted for two 

months, starting from January 29 to March 28, 2024. During the period, I translated 

several texts with Marketing and IT translations as the main activities. Additionally, I 

translated Patent, Finance, and Game fields as the additional activities during my 

internship at PT STAR Software Indonesia. I faced numbers of challenges in the form of 

unfamiliar and technical terms in the middle of the translating process. To overcome this, 

I implemented the skills and knowledge I had obtained from the theories given in lectures, 

such as translation steps and strategies. The guidance provided by the project managers, 

internship supervisor, and internship supervisor also proved instrumental in overcoming 

the challenges. Furthermore, I also utilized the benefits offered by several assisting tools, 

such as Google, multilingual and bilingual dictionaries, and others. The internship 

performance was a requirement for students to be able to write this internship report. The 

purpose of this internship report is to meet one of the requirements to be eligible to 

graduate. This report also aims to illustrate how the internship was carried out and how it 

matched the subjects I studied in the English Diploma Program in details.

Keywords: internship, translation, marketing text, IT text, PT STAR Software Indonesia