
Translating A Self-Motivating Book Entitled You Do You at Pruf Ritz Communication Hub, Surabaya

Oleh :
Adi Putra Pratama - V0121003 - Sekolah Vokasi

Adi Putra Pratama. 2024. Translating A Self-Motivating Book Entitled You Do You at Pruf Ritz Communication Hub, Surabaya. English Diploma 3 Program. Vocational School. Universitas Sebelas Maret.

This internship report was written based on my Student Internship Program (KMM) at Pruf Ritz Communication Hub, located in Surabaya, East Java Province from January 22, 2024, to April 19, 2024. The purpose of this activity are: 1) to apply the competency that I had, 2) to improve translation competency skills, and 3) to gain as much experience as possible. The objectives of this report are to explain the process of translating a self-motivating book entitled You Do You pages 53-66 having around 2,200 words consisting of three steps: analyzing, transferring, and restructuring, and discuss the problems and solutions during internship activities. The first step was analyzing. This step identified three difficulties, such as words, idiomatic phrases, and confusing sentences. The second step was transferring. In this step, I found three problems such as the absence of subject in the sentences, idiomatic expression, and colloquial language, then translated the source text using three strategies such as literal translation, transposition, and borrowing. The third step was restructuring. I restructured the source text by changing the language style, doing omissions, and adding the subject. This report also discusses webinar organization as an additional activity. There were two problems I faced during this KMM i.e. a very tight translation project deadline and webinar organization problems such as miscommunication, the committee that was late for a meeting, and short-time webinar preparation. The solutions for the first problem were managing my time properly, understanding the context of the source text, and consulting to linguist. The solutions for the second problem were holding regular meetings, reminding the committee ten minutes before the meeting started, and making direct decisions.