
Writing Promotional English Articles on Margo Glass Gallery's Official Website

Oleh :
Nuril Ichsan - V0121053 - Sekolah Vokasi

This internship report was written based on the Student Internship Program at Margo Glass Gallery, which is located at Tegalan 02/08, Waru, Baki, Sukoharjo, Central Java. This final internship report mainly discusses about my main activity during my Student Internship Program, which was conducted for two months, starting from January 29th to March 25th, 2024. There are several objectives for me to be achieved in this internship program, 1) to apply the skills and knowledge that I have learned from previous semesters of my study period in the English Diploma Program, especially from English for Advertisement 2) to produce attractive and comprehensive website article for marketing purpose, 3) lastly, to get familiar with the professional work environment. In addition, the purpose of this final internship report are to explain the process of writing a website article for marketing purposes, analyze the problem during the writing process, and also describe the solutions for the problems that have been found.  Furthermore, I got an opportunity to apply one of the copywriting strategies namely, creating intriguing headlines. However, there are several other aspects to consider while creating an article, such as the structure of the article itself since that is the part which I couldn't misinterpret to create a convincing article for marketing purposes. The structure of the article which will be discussed further is the headline, introduction, body, and conclusion which I applied various writing techniques while writing those parts. However, I have encountered several obstacles during my internship program such as, faced unfamiliar terms, unfamiliar topics, and also difficulty in using the most suitable keywords. Nevertheless, I managed to overcome those challenges by conducting real-time research regarding the mirror production industry by directly asking the staff of Margo Glass Gallery. Not only that, but I also did some research on the internet to know more about the types of the mirror products such as the function, the design, or the process of how it was made.