
Translating A Novel Around the World in Eighty Days at Anak Hebat Indonesia Publisher

Oleh :
Irma Nur Aulia - V0121040 - Sekolah Vokasi

Aulia, Irma Nur, 2024. Translating a novel entitled Around the World in Eighty Days at Anak Hebat Indonesia Publisher Yogyakarta. English Diploma Program, Vocational School, Universitas Sebelas Maret.


This report is written to describe the activities during my internship program conducted at Anak Hebat Indonesia publisher. Anak Hebat Indonesia is a publishing and printing company established in 2007. Currently, Anak Hebat Indonesia has successfully published thousands of books and established itself as a permanent distribution partner with Gramedia bookstores. With that achievement and my desire to improve my skills in the translation aspect, I choose Anak Hebat Indonesia as my internship institution. The internship started on February 29 to 23 March, 2024. During my internship, I translated a novel entitled Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne. In translating the novel, I applied Nida and Taber (1969) translation theory, which contained 3 stages (analyzing, transferring, and restructuring). There were two problems that I encountered while translating. The first is the difficult terms used in the novel like words rubber, rajah and fakir. Second is about religious aspects like words suttee. To solve the problems, what I did was to find the meaning of the world in the glossary and related text parallels. My strategies were paraphrasing as proposed by Keck (2006) and pure borrowing as proposed by Molina and Albir (2002). Apart from translating the novel, I also received additional activities such as weekly quizzes, weekly mentoring, and creating promotional content. This internship programs provided many benefits for me because I could improve my translation skills and gain much new knowledge from the seniors. Participating in the Student Internship Program provided many benefits to prepare myself to work in the world industry in the future.