Gogo rice is a commodity that needs to be developed
because it is the staple food of the Indonesian. The rice
consumption has
increased by 718,03 ton (2,29%) since
2021. This is not accompanied by the availability of wetlands due to
conversion. Around 78% of dry land in Indonesia (148,000,000 hectares) can be
used for cultivating local gogo rice. The productivity of gogo rice is 3.25 ton
ha-1, lower than lowland rice which reaches 5.2 ton
ha-1. Therefore, it is necessary to develop gogo rice on
dry land. Dry land gogo rice is hampered by a lack of nutrients and water. This
research aims to determine the effect of organic fertilizer and watering volume
on the growth and yield of gogo rice. The research was conducted in November
2023 - February 2024 at the Universitas Sebelas Maret Agricultural
Laboratory, Jumantono, Karanganyar. The experimental design uses RCBD
two-factor. First factor is doses of
organic fertilizer (without organic fertilizer, 15, 30, and 45 ton
ha-1). The second factor is the watering volume (50%, 75%,
100% field capacity/FC 500 ml, 750 ml, 1000 ml, respectively).
Analysis was carried out using the ANOVA test, DMRT level 5%, and correlation
analysis. The results showed that organic fertilizer and watering volume
interacted with the number of panicles per hill. An organic fertilizer dose of
45 ton
ha-1 increased leaf area
(29,44%), fresh
weight (31,40%), biomass
(27,52%), number of grains per panicle
(38,49%), and grain weight per hill
(45,68%). Irrigation volume of 100% FC
increases the number of grains per panicle
(38,77%) and grain weight per hill