
Pengaruh Jenis Tanah dan Dosis Pupuk Nitrogen Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Gandum (Triticum aestivum L.)

Oleh :
Rio Aditya Pratama - H0720144 - Fak. Pertanian


Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a plant that grows in sub-tropical areas and is used as one of the world's main sources of food with high protein and carbohydrate content. The tropical climate in Indonesia is less suitable for wheat cultivation. The problem of high wheat imports in Indonesia is due to environmental conditions. Environmental conditions consist of climatic factors and edaphic factors. These edaphic factors include soil type and its characteristics. Another factor besides soil type is nitrogen fertilization. Improper nitrogen fertilization can cause environmental pollution, soil acidification, and nutrient imbalance. Based on this, the effort made to increase wheat yield is intensification by applying the optimal dose of nitrogen fertilizer according to the type of soil used. This study aims to obtain the interaction of soil type and nitrogen fertilizer dose that can increase the growth and yield of wheat.  The research was conducted in October 2023 - January 2024 at the Screen house, building C 3rd floor, Faculty of Agriculture UNS. The research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors, namely soil type (Andosol, Latosol, Grumusol) and nitrogen fertilizer dose (no urea fertilizer, 100 kg Ha-1, 200 kg Ha-1, and 300 kg Ha-1). Data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance at the 5% level followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT), regression test, and correlation test. The interaction between grumosol soil without urea fertilizer gave higher results in the variables of productive tillers, namely 13.33 tillers, total tillers, namely 16.33 tillers, dry weight of stover namely 8.88 grams, number of seeds per clump namely 258 seeds, seed weight per clump namely 7.52 grams, and N uptake of wheat plants, namely 0.17%