Ariel Lael Wijaya. 2024. Translating OJK Monitoring and Reporting Laws at Translation Transfer. English Diploma Program. Vocational School of Universitas Sebelas Maret.
This final report is written based on the internship program that I have experienced, which was conducted at Translation Transfer for two months, starting from 28th of January, until 28th of March. The objectives of this final report are: (1) to implement the theories that I have received after studying legal translation for five semesters in the English Diploma Program, (2) to enhance the skills and knowledge that I have possessed while also learning new insights, (3) to prepare myself for professional work, and last but not least, (4) to learn and adapt to new environment, especially the translator work environment. This internship report focuses on translating legal documents (primarily focused on an OJK text) which uses lots of specific words that can prove to be confusing and/or misleading to translators. While translating the text, I have found multiple problems that appeared in the text, whether it is technical, nor translation issues. There are multiple ways that I have found to overcome these challenges, such as researching from other legal texts that we can find on the internet, asking for information or advice from people who know legal texts, and lastly, brainstorming with another fellow internship. The tools that I used while dealing with the problems are the internet, specifically Google Chrome, and a website named DeepL. Using other texts and finding correlation between one word with another proved to be very helpful in translating the legal text. The whole translation process took quite a long time due to researching and finding information regarding specific words that were used in the text, but in the end, I managed to submit the assignment before the deadline. I have gained new experience in translating in the professional world, which will undoubtedly prove to be of use for me. This internship program in Translation Transfer is highly recommended for those who want to learn more about document translations (especially legal ones) and the professional world of translating.