
Creating Bilingual Contents for Rumah Budaya Kratonan's Magazine Entitled Majalah Budaya Surakarta (Mayasura) Second Edition

Oleh :
Nobel Arya Pamungkas - V0121051 - Sekolah Vokasi

Nobel Arya Pamungkas, 2024. Creating Bilingual Contents for Rumah Budaya Kratonan’s Magazine Entitled Majalah Budaya Surakarta (Mayasura) Second Edition. English Diploma Program, Vocational School, Universitas Sebelas Maret.

I wrote this internship report based on my internship activities at Rumah Budaya Kratonan (RBK) from February 27 to April 23, 2024. The objectives of the internship include 1) applying skills and knowledge from campus to the real world of work, 2) adapting to the institution’s workflow, and 3) developing the contents of RBK to expand its reach to foreign visitors. My main activity was creating and translating contents for a bilingual annual magazine named Majalah Budaya Surakarta (Mayasura). The magazine contains a variety of topics discussing Surakarta from the cultural and historical sides. I created all the contents in Indonesian and then translated them into English. I encountered some difficulties during the translation process, mainly translating specific terms, connotative words, and a poem. To translate specific terms and connotative words, I researched by consulting Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia and English dictionaries like Merriam-Webster and The Free Dictionary. I also searched for relevant parallel texts on the Internet related to the problems. Meanwhile, to overcome the problem of translating a poem, I first studied the parts of the poem before translating it. After I got a solid understanding of the theory, I translated it by considering the aesthetic values of the poem, especially the rhyme, without abandoning the accuracy of the translation.