
Creating Marketing Caption for Kayu Arum Coffee and Pine Resto at Nava Hotel Tawangmangu

Oleh :
Artif Alifta - V0121013 - Sekolah Vokasi

This internship report is written based on the internship work program at the Nava Hotel Tawangmangu, which started on February 5 and ended on March 28, 2024. This report aims to describe and explain my internship activities as a content creator and copywriter at the Nava Hotel. There were several phases in the process of making content and copy. These phases include planning the ideas for the content, conceptualizing the photos, analyzing the target market, and determining the hook and headline. In creating content and copywriting, I encountered several problems, such as running out of ideas, having to understand market needs, and strategies to increase brand awareness. To overcome the problem of running out of ideas and understanding the target market, I analyzed the existing products at Kayu Arum and Pine Resto and find some hashtags reference to make it easier for the target market to find a product they wanted. Then, to overcome the strategies of increasing brand awareness, I used the AIDA and 4C's strategies in writing the copywriting for Kayu Arum and Pine Resto's Instagram captions. The AIDA and 4C's strategies really helped me in writing copy that could have an impact on the target market. This report also highlights the value of my studies in the English Diploma Program and highlights how crucial the internship program was to enhancing my practical copywriting knowledge and skills.