
English Pre-Service Teacher's Experiences in Meaning as a Part of Well-Being in Vocational School

Oleh :
Nabila Zahwa Erinindya - K2219059 - Fak. KIP

ABSTRACT Nabila Zahwa Erinindya. K2219059. First Supervisor: Dr. Nur Arifah Drajati, M. Pd. Second Supervisor: Sri Haryati, S.Pd., M.Pd. “EXPLORING ENGLISH PRE-SERVICE TEACHER’S EXPERIENCES IN MEANING AS A PART OF WELL-BEING DURING TEACHING PRACTICUM IN VOCATIONAL SCHOOL: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY NARRATIVE INQUIRY.” Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Universitas Sebelas Maret, June 2023. The objectives of this study are: (1) To explore pre-service teacher’s experiences in meaning as a part of well-being while teaching English in a vocational school during teaching practicum program. (2) To explore the impacts of meaning as a part of well-being toward pre-service teacher’s performance and future career in teaching English. The study was conducted at one of the vocational schools. The subject of the study was the writer herself while undergoing teaching practicum in 7th semester. This study applied the autobiographical narrative inquiry method and gathered the data through narrative stories and artifacts. The study explored the pre service teacher’s experiences in meaning as a part of well-being. It figured out the impacts of meaning on her performance and future career in teaching English. The pre-service teacher wrote the diaries of her experiences during her teaching practicum. Then she analyzed her experiences related to meaning in well-being using the theoretical framework by Mercer & Steger (2020). The pre-service teacher divided her experiences into three stages: before, during, and after teaching practicum. The findings show that the pre-service teacher experienced things related to well-being during the teaching practicum. Those experiences made the pre-service teacher realize that being a teacher is more than just a job. In addition, she also figured out that meaning positively impacts her teaching performance and future career in teaching English. Meaning has led the pre-service teacher into the stage of desiring to be a good English teacher. Therefore, the university should provide courses discussing teachers’ well-being so that the pre-service teachers can recognize their well-being.