

Oleh :
Aprilita Cresi Widyaningrum - M0405 -

ABSTRACT Cheese is a dairy product resulted from fermented milk in which the fermentation process can be done by lactid acid bacteria or fungus. Ripened cheese is a cheese with maturation process. Cheese starter is an active culture from non-patogenic microorganism which growned in milk. The starter’s have a role to compose characteristic and quality in many kinds of milk product. Rhizopus oryzae is a kind of microorganism which has an ability to produce high lactid acid bacteria with better quality than those produced by bacteria. Rhizopus oligosporus is a kind of microorganism that produce protease enzyme which has an ability to coagulated milk and has same characteristic as rennin enzyme that produced by animal. The aim from this research is to find out combination Rhizopus oryzae and Rhizopus oligosporus potention as a starter in making ripened cheese and also find cheese quality according to the differentiation of rendemen value, water, fat, protein, calcium contained and organoleptic test. Then the ripened cheese resulted was analyzed to find out rendemen value, water, fat, protein, and calcium contained using Anava and it was continue with Duncan’s Multiply Range Test (DMRT) at significant of 5%. The data preference was analyzed by using Fridman test and it was continued with Wilcoxon Sign Rigned Test (WSRT) at significant of 5%. From this research it can be concluded that combination of Rhizopus oryzae and Rhizopus oligosporus was potential as a starter in making ripened cheese with decrease of pH 1,74 during 11 hours incubation and curd formation as much 6-7%. The variation of combination 50% Rhizopus oryzae and 50% Rhizopus oligosporus get the best result because its produce the highest fat, protein and calcium, the fat value is 50,45 % DB, protein is 31,54 % DB, and calcium is 2,41 mg/gram DB. 50 % Rhizopus oryzae and 50% Rhizopus oligosporus is also produce best aroma and texture. Keywords : Ripened Cheese, Rhizopus oryzae, Rhizopus oligosporus