
EFEK ANTIFERTILITAS EKSTRAK DAUN BIDURI (Calotropis gigantea L.) PADA KEONG MAS (Pomacea canaliculata L.)

Oleh :
Usman Setiawan - M0404065 -

ABSTRACT Biduri is a plant with many potencies which one of it is as an infertility agent. This aim research is to test infertility effect of biduri leaf extract (Calotropis gigantea) against Golden Apple Snails (Pomacea canaliculata) as means to repress their reproduction. The treatment was directed to female snails and their eggs. Female snails was put on treatment bowl. Extract concentration of Biduri leaf that was treated to female snails were 0 mg/L; 17 mg/L; 34 mg/L; 51 mg/L; 68 mg/L with three replication for 72 hours. Extract concentration that was sprayed to eggs were 0 mg/L; 34 mg/L; 68 mg/L; 102 mg/L; 136 mg/L. Microanatomy structure of ovarium was analyzed by comparative descriptive. The number of hatching was analyzed by chi-square test. Ovarium was damaged at vitelogenic oocyt. Extract concentration at 68 mg/L contributed significance damage. Active agent in biduri leaf induced damage of membrane structure. The damage of membrane structure may contribute to immature oocyt of golden apple snails. The highest concentration of extract gave no significance effect in number of eggs hatching. Calotropin in biduri leaf (C. gigantea) may decrease the reproduction of golden apple snails (P. canaliculata). Keywords: Infertility, biduri leaf (C. gigantea), golden apple snails (P. canaliculata), vitelogenic oocyt.