

Wayang Beber Kota Sebagai Seni Pertunjukan: Bentuk, Fungsi, dan Makna

Oleh :
Bobby Akhbar - S702008001 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

The thesis entitled "Wayang Beber Kota as a Performing Art: Form, Function,

and Meaning", focuses on three main things, namely the background of the

formation of Wayang Beber Kota by Dani Iswardana, the form, function, and

meaning of the Wayang Beber Kota performance presentation, and the strategy

for developing Wayang Beber Kota in facing the challenges of changing urban

society. The purpose of this study is to find out and describe the background of

Dani Iswardana in creating the Wayang Beber Kota work. To find out the form,

function, and meaning of the Wayang Beber Kota performing art. To find out

about Wayang Beber Kota's strategy to maintain itself amidst changes in urban

society. This scientific paper uses a qualitative method with a case study

approach. Data collection techniques use observation and interviews. In

addition, data sources come from informant statements and various relevant

literature. The results of this study are that Wayang Beber Kota by Dani

Iswardana is an evolution of the Wayang Beber tradition as a performing art that

seeks to use innovation in execution, stories, and artistic styles that are more in

line with the tastes of modern society. This includes using more contemporary

media and adapting stories that are relevant to current issues. The main function

of Wayang Beber Kota is the function of social criticism presented by the

Wayang Beber Kota play, which seeks to ensure that art is relevant and

acceptable to the younger generation and urban society connected to modern

entertainment culture. The meaning of Wayang Beber Kota is the relevance

between traditional art and modernity.