
Analysis of Secondary Schools Student’s Computational Thinking Skill in Science: a Study on Gender

Oleh :
Shallom Putri Kinasih - K4520068 - Fak. KIP

The rapid advancement of technology requires skills in dealing with it. In addition to reading and writing, students need to have computational thinking (CT) skills to face the future world of work. Computational thinking is one of the problem-solving skills needed in dealing with everyday problems. Everyday problems need to be solved by knowing the problem in depth and detail so that a solution or logical steps can be found in solving it. One of the lessons that is closely related to problem solving is science, which is related to the scientific method. In looking at the CT skill profile, it is also necessary to know that there are several factors that must be studied. One of them is gender. This study aims to analyze junior high school students' CT skills in science subjects in terms of gender. This research is quantitative descriptive research. The sampling technique used was stratified cluster random sampling with a prerequisite test then obtained a 30% sample from three junior high schools in Surakarta which was used for research. The data collection technique in this study was a survey method in the form of an open-ended questionnaire. The data that has been obtained is then viewed in profile between the profiles of male students and female students. The data analysis also looked at the profiles of students' CT aspects, namely decomposition, pattern recognition, algorithm thinking, and abstraction.  The results of data analysis obtained show that the CT profile of both male and female students is dominated by moderate scores, namely scores of 33 to 63 out of 100. The CT aspect that obtained the highest score was the decomposition aspect. Other aspects of CT, namely pattern recognition, algorithmic thinking, and abstraction obtained relatively low scores. It can be said that both male and female students have been able to identify problems and break them down into sub-problems. However, both male and female students still have difficulties in recognizing problem patterns, finding logical steps for solving, and finding general patterns in a problem. 

Keywords: Computational thinking, secondary school student, science, gender.