
Analysis Of Student Misconceptions Using The Four-Tier Diagnostic Test On Environmental Socioscientific Issues

Oleh :
Leilani Devina Nastiti - K4520037 - Fak. KIP

Several previous studies have revealed misconceptions about socioscientific issues such as environmental pollution, global warming, and environmental energy. This study aims to determine the students' misconception profile on environmental socioscientific issues. This study is a quantitative descriptive research using survey method. The Four-tier Diagnostic Test that was used consist of 13 questions on the issues of global warming, energy crisis, and environmental health. Misconceptions were found when students confidently chose wrong answers and confidently chose the wrong reasons. In this study, the data were analyzed descriptively with the stages of assessment, data classification, data calculation, data description and discussion, and also supported by Rasch analysis using the Winsteps application. The percentage of each decision category that has been calculated will be classified according to the misconception level category. Categories are divided into low (0-30%), moderate (31-60%), and high (61-100%). The data is displayed on graphs and Wright Maps. In graphs, the percentage of each category is presented. In Wright Maps, the difficulty level of the question and the student's score level are presented. The results showed that the largest percentage of students' misconceptions were related to the causes of global warming. Misconceptions about the causes of global warming amounted to 51.6% (high level). In contrast, the lowest percentage of misconceptions is found in the concept of the causes of ozone layer depletion, which is experienced by 13.7% of students (low level). In addition, the average percentage of misconceptions of grade VII students is higher than the percentage of misconceptions of grade VIII students on the three issues discussed. The occurrence of misconceptions can be caused by many factors, ranging from internal factors from students, as well as external factors, such as teachers, learning methods, books, the internet, friends, and other learning resources. The results of this study can be used as a reference for teachers to determine the right strategy so as not to experience misconceptions. This study requires further research to explore the real factors associated with misconceptions on socioscientific issues.