

Oleh :
Daniel Febrian S. - V3421031 - Sekolah Vokasi

Village services are important for the community. Village services have so far only been accessible at the village office, so people who want to get services must come directly to the office. This requires time and transportation costs, so that services feel time-consuming and less than optimal. Therefore, a system is needed that can improve the quality of services so that they are more effective and efficient.

The creation of a village service system that focuses on letters aims to increase efficiency and transparency in the management of letter administration at the village level. This system is designed to facilitate the process of submitting, verifying, and issuing letters digitally, thereby minimizing time and costs. In addition, the village administration can manage and process letters more efficiently, and provide more responsive services to the community.

The development method used in designing this system is the Agile method with an Extreme Programming approach. In developing the information system, the PHP programming language, Laravel framework, Visual Studio Code as a text editor, and MySQL as a database are used.

The implementation of this system is expected to provide benefits in the form of improving the quality of public services in the village, easy access for the community, and reducing the administrative workload for village officials.