

Oleh :
Endratno Pilih.s - T111808015 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

Endratno Pilih Swasono. NIM T111808015. 2024. Pragmatic Strategies of
Mediators in the Divorce Settlement Process at the Religious Court Sidoarjo East
Java. Dissertation for the Doctoral Program in Linguistics, Faculty of Cultural
Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. Advisors: Prof. Dr. Djatmika, M.A
(Promotor), Prof. Dr. Sumarlam, M.S (Co-Promotor I), Dr. Miftah Nugroho,
M.Hum. (Co-Promotor II).
The high divorce rate in the Sidoarjo Religious Court reflects the complexity
of emotional conflicts that require effective communication strategies from
mediators. Pragmatic strategies are key in building understanding, although in-
depth studies of divorce mediation are still controlled. This research focuses on the
types of speech acts, politeness strategies, and the application of the principle of
cooperation, with the aim of uncovering how mediators create effective, strategic
communication and support peaceful conflict resolution.
This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, data in the form of
mediator speech in the divorce mediation process at the Sidoarjo Religious Court.
The main data source is in the form of audio recordings of the divorce mediation
process, observations and documents, secondary data in the form of relevant articles
or journals. The data collection methods used are participatory observation
techniques, recording, transcription, recording and interviews with mediators. The
data analysis method is a pragmatic analysis by analyzing the mediator's speech
based on the theory of speech action, the theory of politeness and maximal
The results of the study show that pragmatic strategies in divorce mediation
include the use of verbal acts, the principle of cooperation, and politeness. Mediators
most often use directive and expressive speech acts, while declarative speech acts
are not found. Grice's principles of cooperation are applied consistently, including
quantity, quality, relevance, and methods. When it comes to politeness, mediators
utilize a variety of strategies, including direct, positive, negative, and indirect
strategies. Unique strategies like Sharing Stories have proven to be effective in
building relationships and reaching understanding..
This research paved the way for major changes in divorce mediation in the
Religious Court. First, improving the competence of mediators, especially in
pragmatic linguistics, is a top priority. A deep understanding of pragmatic strategies
must be applied not only in theory, but also in real practice. Second, Religious
Courts must ensure mediators receive comprehensive training to deal with complex
communication dynamics. Third, investment in additional scholarships and training
will strengthen the ability of mediators as conflict facilitators as well as architects of
solutions, ensuring a fair, peaceful, and harmonious outcome for all parties.
Keywords: Pragmatic Strategy, Mediator, Divorce Case Resolution, Religious
Judge, Mediation Communication