

Strategi Manajemen Pemeliharaan Bangunan Gedung (Studi Kasus : Pasar - Pasar Kota Surakarta)

Oleh :
Galuh Widi Patanti - S942008009 - Fak. Teknik

Effective building maintenance management is essential for ensuring efficient maintenance practices and reducing errors in maintenance decision-making. Planners and managers must carefully analyze various aspects of the process to achieve optimal goals and select the most appropriate strategy when implementing a strategic planning system. A systematic approach is needed to identify and address management issues, leading to the development of strategies. This case study focuses on the phases of strategy planning to enhance traditional market building maintenance management in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. The study identifies critical building maintenance management factors and evaluates them using the SWOT Linkert Scale and QSPM Method. Experts evaluate the significance of these factors while market managers assess the current maintenance management conditions for developing maintenance plans. The results suggest that in order to improve the quality of building maintenance, it is essential to consider the entire life cycle of the building at the design stage, establish a skilled organizational structure through training maintenance personnel in software usage, create a preventive maintenance plan, and engage competent maintenance contractors to support the planning and implementation of maintenance activities