
The Use Of Kahoot In English Learning Process To Increase Students' Engagement: A Case Study

Oleh :
Gracia Lisa Kristiyanto - K2220036 - Fak. KIP

Language learning educators still find it difficult to implement learning methods that can increase the level of student participation. Especially in this digital era, educators are required to be able to use technology in classroom learning. This research aimed to: 1) Identify the teacher’s use of Kahoot! in Learning Process; and 2) analyze students’ perspectives on English learning using Kahoot! that increase students’ engagement. Qualitative research with case study method and purposive sampling was applied in this study Qualitative research with a case study method was used in this study with purposive sampling used to obtain participants who were 6 junior high school students and 1 English teachers. Data collection using questionnaires, interviews and documents analyzed descriptively. The data was analyzed according to the indicators of student engagement, namely behavioral engagement, cognitive engagement and emotional engagement. The results of the data suggest that gamification can sufficiently increase student engagement in classroom learning. This is very helpful for teachers in presenting interesting learning for students. Since gamified learning is considered important to increase student engagement, the researcher suggests that future research can expand the research and focus on the learning outcomes resulting from gamified learning.