

The Menu As A Tool for Marketing Tourism and Hotel Product in Libya

Oleh :
Marwa Abdulgader Abdulsalam Ashaibani - S412302018 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

This study examines the role of menus as a marketing tool for promoting tourism and hotel products in Libya. The research objectives are delineated to investigate the impact of various menu elements on consumer attitudes toward restaurants and their subsequent behavioural intentions. A quantitative approach is adopted for this descriptive research, with a sample size of 300 consumers with SEM PLS as data analysis technique. This study contributes to the understanding of the significance of menu design and content in shaping consumer perceptions and behaviour within the hospitality industry. The conclusion of this study based on the research results is Design positively influences Customer experience, Attractiveness positively influences Customer experience, Professionalism positively influences Customer experience, Design not positively influences Satisfaction, Attractiveness positively influences Satisfaction, Professionalism not positively influences Satisfaction, Design, attractiveness, professionalism not positively influences loyalty intention with customer experience as a mediating variable and Design, attractiveness, professionalism not positively influences loyalty intention with satisfaction as a mediating variable.