The study was conducted to identify the types of cognitive levels of reading comprehension question that are found in “English for Nusantara” for Grade IX based on Barrett’s Taxonomy and to find out how reading comprehension in the “English for Nusantara” for Grade IX facilitates the development of student’s reading skills. The research implemented a content analysis method. In addition, the data is collected through document analysis by choosing and analyzing the reading comprehension question presented in the English Textbook. The data was analyzed using an interactive model by Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014) including data collection, data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing/verifying. To test the validity and reliability, this research used persistent observant and peer debriefing. The result of the study is that: 1) the textbook used covered all cognitive levels of Barrett’s Taxonomy and not all chapters cover all cognitive levels. The most dominant reading comprehension questions based on Barrett’s Taxonomy is Literal Comprehension with 102 items, and 2) the reading comprehension in the textbook has not fully facilitated students’ needs in developing their reading skills. This is because some of reading comprehension questions in each chapter provide information that can be easily found by learners, so that learners may not necessarily develop their reading comprehension skills.