
Pre-Service Teacher's Interactional Resources of Affiliation in Providing Feedback Towards Students' Speaking Performance: An Autobiographical Narrative Inquiry

Oleh :
Mahira Afanin - K2220051 - Fak. KIP

This study investigates key components of interactional resources of affiliation during feedback giving towards students’ speaking performance in English. Through autobiographical narrative inquiry, the researcher administers personal diaries and photographs to explore the way of incorporating those elements according to the researcher’s Emotional Intelligence (EI). On top of that, the impacts catalysed on students’ performance afterwards in relation to the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) are also being discussed. In carrying out this study, the analysis of these artifacts is being included with the pre-service teacher’s side includes: self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, and relationship management, whereas from the students’ side includes their competence, autonomy, and relatedness. The findings highlight the implementation of the affiliative feedback and the impact and that encourage emotional safety for learners. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the emotional dimensions of English language learning, especially in the context of speaking. The implications suggest that incorporating EI and SDT into feedback strategies can create a supportive learning environment that nurtures students' emotional well-being and encourages greater engagement in learning.