The purposes of this research are to identify the kinds of commissive speech acts that the characters in Six Crimson Cranes employ, to identify the translation techniques that are used to translate them, to evaluate the shift in commissive speech act that is affected by the application of translation techniques, and to investigate the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability.
The commissive speech act data in this study were collected using the content analysis method. The researcher then validated and evaluated the translation techniques and quality with the help of raters in Focus Group Discussions (FGD). The translation quality discussed in the FGD focused on accuracy and acceptability. Furthermore, three respondents, who are the target readers of the novel, participated in assessing the readability by completing questionnaires designed to measure the level of readability
The findings of this research are as follows: First, five subcategories of commissive speech acts are identified in the novel. They are promise, commit, threaten, pledge, and consent. Second, the researcher observed the repeated use of three single translation techniques—modulation, paraphrase, and established equivalent. Additionally, 35 combinations of translation techniques have been discovered for use in translating commissive speech acts. Furthermore, the researcher found in data number 35 that a shift in speech act type occurs, where a commissive act is translated into a directive. Finally, the translations were evaluated, with average scores of 2.98 for accuracy, 2.95 for acceptability, and 2.91 for readability, indicating accurate, acceptable, and highly readable translations