Creativity has become an increasing focus in foreign language teaching and become one of the most essential skills in the 21st century. It enables someone to generate numerous ideas, shift different perspectives, produce unique ideas, and elaborate the ideas. In the classroom, there is an urgency to engage students in creative activities that foster their creativity, such as designing digital storytelling. Grounded on the background above, this study aims to explore the pre-service teachers’ experiences in utilizing their creative thinking skills when designing digital storytelling. Four EFL pre-service teachers have participated in this study. The data were collected using narrative frames, interviews, and artifacts. Then, it was further analyzed thematically to find codes and themes. This study found three main findings. First, the participants were able to generate numerous ideas, accept some different perspectives, maintain the originality of the ideas, and elaborate the ideas using details. Second, they encountered some challenges during the five stages of creating digital storytelling but were able to overcome them using multiple ways. Last, they agreed that digital storytelling can facilitate their creative thinking skills because they can express themselves during the process. These findings suggest that teachers should create a creative environment and space for the students in the classroom.